Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers

Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers

Luna's teaser pictures for "Red Light" have been revealed and show Luna sporting a new haircut. With only a week to go before release, now only Amber's pictures remain and then hopefully we'll get a preview for the MV itself.

that's all about it Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers

kpop around the world Luna Shows New Hairstyle in "Red Light" Teasers, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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