Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site

Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site

The SM Rookies site has finally opened and trainees Mark and Donghyuk are here to give a tour of the site through a video titled "RookieStation ep1". Here they show everything the site has to offer: the Staff Office contains profiles of all the SM trainees that have been revealed so far, the Dance Studio and Vocal Room show dancing and singing videos respectively, the Lounge is a collection of pictures of the rookies, both professional and candid and Holidays has pictures of them...erm, on holiday. At the bottom is RookieStation, which so far only contains ep.1, though this hints that there will be more episodes to come.

It's a nice introduction to the site, though most people seem to be more interested in the fact that someone at SM clearly hasn't heard of incognito and a porn site can be seen in the cache when they were typing in the website's address.
I admit I did a double take when I first saw it though.

Moving swiftly on, it's nice to see that the SM Rookies site has finally opened and hopefully we can now get frequent updates on the new trainees and see their skills in greater detail.

that's all about it Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site

kpop around the world Mark and Donghyuk Give Tour of New SM Rookies Site, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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