SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut

SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut

Yesterday B2M Entertainment released 3 images of a new sub-unit named "SPICA.S", which basically consists of all the members except Boa, who will instead be making her solo debut. The "S" in the name stands for special, which means they will be showing special talents of the members involved (basically they're going to show they're more than Boa's backup singers).

A bit of an odd decision if you ask me; I would have thought putting Narae, Jiwon and Juhyun in a unit to really prove that all the members can hold their weight vocally because whilst the group as a whole is known for its vocals Boa and Bohyung are the only ones who are usually acknowledged. I'm also not sure if Boa is well known enough to do well as a solo artist, especially since SPICA's fanbase aren't exactly big so she doesn't have the same luxury as others like Taemin.

SPICA.S' single will be released on the 12th of September.

that's all about it SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut

kpop around the world SPICA Sub-unit SPICA.S Announced, Member Boa to Make Solo Debut, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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