Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura

Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura

Pann: In real life gifs of Kim Hye Soo

1. [+124, -1] Kim Hye Soo isn't just simply pretty. The aura that comes from her is no joke. It's her inner beauty.

2. [+91, -0] Her class is a wall ㅠㅠ I hope she does her next project soon.

3. [+87, -0] She's truly young-looking. She's 47.

4. [+24, -0] She doesn't look cheap even when she wears revealing clothes. She has such a classy actress aura!

5. [+22, -0] People like her were born to be actors. These days, there are so many crappy actor wannabes...

6. [+19, -1] This unnie is just amazing ㅠㅠ <3

7. [+18, -0] I saw her in real life. On the screen, she looked like a beauty with some weight but she was just skinny! She was glamorous but also skinny! Her body was 2/3 of the size I imagined. Her height was also perfect~ I learned why Kim Hye Soo was famous~

8. [+16, -0] In Europe, Kim Hye Soo was praised like Sophia Loren. I wonder why she didn't take overseas advancement... She's too good to stay in Korea only.

9. [+13, -0] Crazy... She's like a vampire

10. [+13, -1] She's cool rather than pretty. The biggest girl crush.

that's all about it Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura

kpop around the world Actress Kim Hye Soo's aura, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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