Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair

Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair

Pann: Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's celebrity hair

1. [+228, -8] Hul... He looks more handsome ㅋㅋ He looks like he's in his 20's with the new hair color. Amazing.

2. [+192, -10] He looks like he's in mid-20's... Daebak...

3. [+191, -10] I think he should stick with this style instead of the straight hair. It suits him well.

4. [+59, -2] Ajussis think men become more charming as they age because their financial situations get better. I hope they see him and reflect. If they want to hit on young women, they should at least look like him. If they're not as good-looking as him, then they shouldn't even think about it ㅋㅋ It's disgusting... Women also care about looks a lot, please ajussis ㅋㅋ Stop with your "Aren't I still fine, missy?" Do you think Lim Chang Jung and you are the same? I even think Lim Chang Jung is a total ajussi, I find his girlfriend weird.

5. [+58, -0] So amazing

6. [+48, -2] Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I came here thinking he's too old to be doing this but ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm the only one who's aged ㅋㅋ Handsome boss.

7. [+42, -0] Straight hair wasn't the only hairstyle he had. He suits all hairstyles.

8. [+42, -0] Wow, this is crazy... He's more handsome than current idols. Just crazy.

9. [+41, -0] He's been pretty for his entire life.

10. [+41, -2] It's refreshing to see him with a new hairstyle ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He looks 10 years younger!

11. [+28, -2] This oppa forgot how to age

12. [+23, -0] Wow... I'm not even kidding. Kang Sunghoon was the first singer I had ever liked. I used to save up my allowances and bought photo pads, Sechs Kies tamagotchi, and cleaned up Kang Sunghoon's poop. I'm proud of my eyes for the first time ㅠㅠ I can't believe he's pulling pink off at his age...

that's all about it Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair

kpop around the world Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon's pink hair, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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