Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body

Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body

(Article says the fans touched his body and even put their hands in his shirt.)


Pann: Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body

1. [+77, -5] Park Bogum is known to be really kind but even he's making a face

2. [+56, -3] Hul, he must've felt so shameful when he felt hands going in his shirt... Yet those fans will go and brag about how they touched Park Bogum's skin.

3. [+54, -3] Are they crazy? Even for a non-celebrity, touching someone in their clothes is sexual harassment.

4. [+22, -1] He randomly looks so cute, wow

5. [+21, -1] He's like "Why... why are you all doing this to me...ㅠㅠ"

6. [+16, -0] Look at the last picture, he looks like he really hates it

7. [+14, -1] Reading posts like this make me feel that celebrities look happy and fancy on the outside but they're also stressed with stuff like this... He's only in his early-20's and celebrities and non-celebrities are no different...

8. [+13, -2] The way he's shrinking his body is so cute

that's all about it Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body

kpop around the world Filipino fans touching Park Bogum's body, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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