Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows

Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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news : Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows

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Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows

Pann: Male celebrities should never do this...

1. [+241, -93] Sehun is so handsome...

2. [+230, -87] Sehun looks like a painting. Fucking handsome.

3. [+158, -43] TOP is so handsome ㅠㅠ I personally prefer upward eyebrows for men

4. [+45, -3] Kim Woo Bin and TOP suit the straight eyebrow, though? I actually think Kim Woo Bin looks better with it...

5. [+39, -10] TOP is so handsome...

6. [+37, -90] Your fan mind aside, who do you think is more handsome, Sehun or TOP? Upvote for Sehun and downvote for TOP.

7. [+35, -6] He's really handsome...

8. [+35, -3] TOP looks amazing... The left picture looks like TOP who's been through all sorts of struggles in life and the right picture looks like a prince TOP who's never sweated before.

9. [+34, -3] TOP looks really handsome in both

10. [+23, -0] I'm not a fan but TOP is like a singer version of Kang Dong Won

that's all about it Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows

kpop around the world Male celebrities with upward eyebrows vs straight eyebrows, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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