Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers

Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers

(Information from an article written in 2014)

Average annual salary
YG - 32 million won
SM - 30.13 million won
JYP - 29.9 million won

Average salary of male
YG - 36 million won
SM - 31 million won
JYP - 32.2 million won

Average salary of female
YG - 26 million won
SM - 29 million won
JYP - 27.4 million won

Average salary of the board of directors
SM - 203.5 million won (Kim Young Min earned 1.3 billion won in 2013)
YG - 196 million won
JYP - 154 million won

Percentage of temporary workers (part-time employees)
SM - 28% (male), 46% (female)
YG - 7%
JYP - 0% (all workers are full-time employees)


Instiz: Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers (summary)

- Look at the difference between YG's male and female salaries...

- At least SM has the smallest difference between male and female salaries

- It's awesome how JYP only has full-time employees

- Male and female salaries are different because their jobs are different

- If that's for the big 3, then imagine small companies... sobs

- Entertainment industry is known to be paying poorly... People work there for a few years for experience to get into a major company

- I wonder what they do. Is it similar to normal companies?

that's all about it Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers

kpop around the world Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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