DSP artists never renew their contracts?

DSP artists never renew their contracts? - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles DSP artists never renew their contracts?, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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DSP artists never renew their contracts?

Sechs Kies - didn't renew their contracts

Fin.K.L - didn't renew their contracts

SS501 - didn't renew their contracts

Kara - Jiyoung and Nicole didn't renew their contracts
By now, all members left DSP except Youngji

Rainbow - didn't renew their contracts


Instiz: A company that no member renewed their contract with

- As expected of DSP~ What's the point of good casting when their treatment is crap ㅠㅠ

- All of them are unfortunate ㅠㅠ

- The future of Cube... Rain, B2ST, 4Minute...

- They don't care about their idols artists

- There was also Click B between Fin.K.L and SS501... Please include them...

- There was also A'st1 ㅠㅠ They ended up disbanding...

- But they have really good eyes, there's a legend in each group. Sechs Kies was/is a legend in the past & the present. Lee Hyori is from Fin.K.L. SS501's songs are banned for exams. Kara is a top group in Japan. Rainbow deserved to be the best girl group ㅠㅠ

that's all about it DSP artists never renew their contracts?

kpop around the world DSP artists never renew their contracts?, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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