Melon chart at 5AM

Melon chart at 5AM - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Melon chart at 5AM, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Melon chart at 5AM

Instiz: Today's Melon chart at 5AM

- Both fandoms are amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Monster ㅠㅠ It was released 5 months ago ㅠㅠ

- Blood, Sweat, and Tears is a month old and Fire is a half-year old ㅠㅠ BTS, EXO, and ChenBaekXi jjang

- Silent fight ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And Twice in the middle of this ㅋㅋㅋ

that's all about it Melon chart at 5AM

kpop around the world Melon chart at 5AM, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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