Irene the slave of capitalism

Irene the slave of capitalism - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Irene the slave of capitalism, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

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Irene the slave of capitalism

"I can't drink coffee"

Winces at the taste of coffee


Her coffee CF:

Her preference is sweet rice drink:

Her chicken trauma:

"When I was young, I got an upset stomach after eating chicken. So I can't eat chicken."


Her chicken CF:


Instiz: Irene the slave of capitalism

- She looks like Taeyeon in the chicken CF

- Wow, it must be hard to film the CFs when you can't enjoy the food

- I can't eat sushi for the same reason ㅠㅠ The wasabi smell makes me upset already ㅠㅠ

- Can Irene get an iron CF ㅠㅠ

- She'll become a complete slave of capitalism if she gets a beer CF

that's all about it Irene the slave of capitalism

kpop around the world Irene the slave of capitalism, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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