By blog Minggu, 18 Desember 2016 Others Pale skin as a beauty standard Pann : Do you have to have pale skin to be considered pretty? 1. [+152, -3] When someone says you have good skin, it means you're pale b...
By blog Jumat, 16 Desember 2016 Others Sacrificed children around the world Syria - Sacrificed children from the long-term war Thailand - Child prostitution for tourists USA - Child victims from shootings Korea - Pan...
By blog Jumat, Desember 16, 2016 Others Is there a food that you've never tried in your life? Pann : Is there a food that you've never tried in your life? 1. [+134, -0] Avocado... I wonder what avocado tastes like 2. [+117, -2] Sk...
By blog Rabu, 14 Desember 2016 Others 12 photos summarizing Korea's 2016 January - Reply 1988 February - Filibuster of Anti-Terrorism Act March - Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo April - 4.13 General Election May - Murder o...
By blog Rabu, Desember 14, 2016 Others Can you go out with your bare face? Pann : Can you go out with your bare face? 1. [+237, -2] I go out with my bare face everyday... It's not that I'm confident, I'm...
By blog Sabtu, 26 November 2016 Others What do you think of when you hear "paradise"? Pann : What do you think of when you hear "paradise"? Coldplay - Paradise Infinite - Paradise Hyorin - Paradise Gain - Paradise Lo...
By blog Kamis, 24 November 2016 Others Where can you find your significant other? Pann : Seriously, where can you find your significant other? (Pann OP is a graduate of a girls' middle school, girl's high school, a...
By blog Selasa, 08 November 2016 Others [Discussion(?)] USA's 2016 ELECTION Please leave all comments on USA's election here, not on other articles. Thank you :)
By blog Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016 Others What would you kill if something was human? Pann : What would you kill if something was human? 1. [+605, -21] Math. Motherfucker, the things I would do to you if you were human... 2. [...
By blog Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016 Others Afreeca BJ Shoogi, "The first president of the US is Hitler" Her answers The first president of the US: Hitler (answer: George Washington) The first president of Korea: Chun Doo Hwan (answer: Syngman R...
By blog Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016 Others Mukbang BJ BANZZ stops his live show after hearing a woman screaming He had finished eating and was about to eat dessert Suddenly, he heard a woman screaming He became flustered and left his room He came back ...
By blog Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016 Others Who touches who, you or your ideal type? 1) Your hand in your ideal type's underwear (323 votes, 50.1%) 2) Your ideal type's hand in your underwear (322 votes, 49.9%) - Pann...
By blog Rabu, 28 September 2016 Others What if you can wear clothes from one brand for free forever? Pann : What if you can wear clothes from one brand for free forever? 1. [+138, -4] Chanel 2. [+59, -6] Supreme 3. [+50, -1] Wow, the thought...
By blog Senin, 26 September 2016 movies Others What's the most erotic movie you've ever watched? Pann : What's the most erotic movie you've ever watched? 1. [+167, -10] The Treacherous. It was a big cultural shock. 2. [+101, -4] ...