Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year

Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year - Hallo friends kpop around the world, i'd like to share some aricles Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year, about kpop and news or gossip around them so enjoy.

kpop : Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year
news : Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year

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Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year

EXO - Monster

EXO - Lotto

Block B - Toy


Seventeen - Very Nice

NCT 127 - Fire Truck

NCT Dream - Chewing Gum

VIXX - Fantasy

2PM - Promise

Infinite - The Eye

GOT7 - Hard Carry

SHINee - 1 of 1

BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears


Instiz: Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year

- Hul, I didn't know that Namjoon's part was the smallest

- Taeyong is a rapper but he has the most lines

- Oh, 2PM and SHINee members have similar parts...

- NCT looks so fair ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Sunggyu is dominating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Where's Sechs Kies...

that's all about it Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year

kpop around the world Line distributions of boy groups that had comebacks this year, hopefully in the future we can see and share more about kpop.

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